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Our School

Welcome to GT School of Innovation!

Welcome to GT School of Innovation!

GT School of Innovation Student Body and Community have had an amazing year of learning and there is more to come! 

We want to thank our staff, teachers, PTA and community members for supporting us on our journey as the 1st NTN school in El Dorado County! We are grateful for: 

  • New Tech Network
  • On campus Dental Services
  • Counseling
  • STEAM Program
  • New Sound Equipment and more
School Mission Statement

School Mission Statement

We, at GT School of Innovation, believe that students deserve an engaging, real-world education, that empowers and impassions them for a future they might not have dreamt of yet ...
School Vision Statement

School Vision Statement

Georgetown School is a Design Thinking New Tech Network (NTN) school where science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics (STEAM) are used as access points for guiding student inquiry dialogue and critical thinking. At Georgetown, we emphasize project-based learning, critical thinking, collaboration, literacy, fieldwork, service and teamwork. We are partners with our parents in instilling the most critical skill for long-term student success — a Disposition for Learning!
What Makes GT Great? You Do!

What Makes GT Great? You Do!

GT Families: This year parents responded to our school survey with vision and commitment. Your School Site Council and PTA have designed a plan for next year that includes After school Music Club/Band, AM and PM Boys and Girls Club care, opening the 100 wing for parking and drop off, campus beautification and more New Tech Network projects in our garden and community. Take a moment this week to give yourself a pat on the back for your continued support and our incredible staff of teachers and staff that make GT School of Innovation great!